A BOY!!!
BEST FRIENDS: Gustav, Oskar & Fritz
Here I am looking rather coy! |
I'm sure looking forward to my new home! |
I'm a little nervous - it's my new home! |
Wow! Mom and Dad are SOOOO tall! |
Here I am - check me out! |
Here I am from the other side. |
Do you like my new red collar? |
Here I'm under a chair - I look pretty good! |
I decided to see if this chair was comfy. |
Say, this IS comfortable! |
Maybe I'll just relax and . . . |
. . . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. |
Oh boy - my first dinner! |
Please release me - I'm innocent! |
It sure is good to have new friends! |
Wow - what a day! I'll sleep well tonight. |
CLICK HERE to see pictures of Kaiser
& Gustav
CLICK HERE to see pictures of Gustav & Liesel
CLICK HERE to see pictures of Gustav, Liesel &
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