BEST FRIENDS: Oskar, Fritz & Rudi

Hi! I'm Rudi - I'm a 4-year-old rescue! Here's my profile...

I'm a Standard Schnauzer! Hey, check out this bed...

I'm so happy to be in Vail! My new Dad gives me a hug!

My new Mom gives me a hug! Here I am with my new parents & Oskar!

Here I am with my new parents & Fritz!

Check out my roomy new crate!

All of us boys like to relax with Dad! Gee, Dad - your leg is SOOOO comfy!

Mom really likes me! Hey, what's in there?

Where does this door lead to? Dad really likes me, too!.

CLICK HERE to see pictures of Kaiser & Gustav

CLICK HERE to see pictures of Gustav & Liesel

CLICK HERE to see pictures of Gustav, Liesel & Oskar

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